From GLP-1 Agonists to Rybelsus: The Evolution of Diabetes Therapy (1)

1 Name: cwilsonjames : 2023-09-03 22:04 ID:jNRdoTBF [Del]

The path to understanding and treating diabetes has been fraught with incremental steps and leaps of innovation. One of the most significant milestones in this journey has been the advent of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 <a href=''>(GLP-1) receptor agonist</a>. These drugs have revolutionized diabetes therapy by mimicking the action of the natural hormone GLP-1, thereby stimulating insulin production in the pancreas and inhibiting the release of glucagon—a hormone that raises blood sugar levels. The effectiveness of GLP-1 agonists has laid the groundwork for newer, even more advanced drugs like Rybelsus.

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