Fusion Bar Chocolate Shroom | Chocolate Mushrooms Bars For Sale (1)

1 Name: mr mushies : 2023-06-20 18:26 ID:mmqVjnYJ [Del]

Fusion Bar Chocolate Shroom | Chocolate Mushrooms Bars For Sale
Fusion bar are a new chocolate bar that were created at the end of 2020. They have quickly gained popularity in the psychedelic mushroom world due to their superior taste. Though a new comer to chocolate mushroom candy industry. The fusion shroom bars demand has grown so fast that it now has the fourth highest market capital competing with established industry names such as polkadot and one up mushroom.

Fusion bars mushroom have over 25 unique flavors which is first in the psychedelic chocolate mushroom  industry. This is to ensure that all their consumers have something to enjoy. A few of the flavors from fusion bars include:

Almond Crush
Rocky Roa
Cinnamon Toast
Banana Chocolate
Cookies & Cream

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