SBI PO Exam Pattern covers a wide range of topics (5)

1 Name: SBI PO Exam Pattern : 2022-12-03 22:50 ID:Gnx0bgi2 [Del]

The SBI PO Exam Pattern is designed to be rigorous and the test covers a wide range of topics that are expected to be covered in the banking industry. The exam is conducted by the State Bank of India (SBI) and it has three phases—the Preliminary, Mains, and Interview. The Preliminary rounds have five sections with 40 questions each, on Verbal Ability, Reading Comprehension (RC), Numerical Ability (NA), Reasoning Ability (RA), and General Awareness/Banking Awareness. The best score in this round is counted out of 200 points. The Mains Rounds have 10 sections with 80 questions each on RC, NA, RA, Financial Institutions Management (FIM)/Operations Management (OM), Corporate Communication Skills (CCS) and Business Economics/Business Environment & Concepts(BE&C). The best score in this round will also be calculated which equals to 780 marks out of 1000 marks possible for the exam. Download the SBI PO Mock Test Series from Exam101, which was created by experts with more than 40 years of combined expertise.

4 Name: kirti : 2022-12-04 11:42 ID:aJtZYC6+ [Del]


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