Fildena super active treats erectile dysfunction[ED] in men. The sildenafil citrate present in this medicine works by increasing the flow of blood in the penile vessels. Use this medicine about 30 to 40 minutes before a sexual session. A strong erection can be achieved with the use of this drug. This drug will give you the pleasure of having sex with your partner for 4-5 hours. This medicine should be taken only once in 1 day otherwise it may harm the body.
Fildena 150mg tablets consist of sildenafil citrate which is PDE kind of 5 and is an inhibitor of cGMP into a vein and that growing the blood flow into the vein. Communally who can incapable of getting an erection at some stage in intercourse, that affected person prescribe filigree tablets additionally in the treatment of a few elements of gambling positions like age, weight, and many others.