Waffle Game is a tougher version of Wordle (1)

1 Name: Waffle Game : 2022-06-20 02:26 ID:so65zA5L [Del]

If Wordle is no longer as entertaining as it once was, a new game called Waffle is worth a try. James Robinson, the game's developer, has taken Wordle to the next level by making it a bit more difficult and distinctive in terms of the main concepts in this new game.

Wordle has spawned several unauthorized spinoffs, including Squirdle, Nerdle, Lewdle, and others. This one, on the other hand, challenges you to predict a total of 6 words that share common letters and are lined in a grid-like layout that somewhat resembles a waffle, thus the game's name.

Waffle's puzzle, like Wordle, updates every day, and you may share your progress with friends and online while your streak is kept on the browser. Anyone interested in playing Waffle may do so using any browser on any device.

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