Latest Swaraj 960 FE Tractor Price in India - Tractorgyan (3)

1 Name: Shreya Sharma : 2022-02-01 09:18 ID:QUgiIuIE [Del]

Swaraj 960 FE Tractor is a 55 HP Tractor made with astonishing accuracy to control in Inan fields. It accompanies a viable motor of 3067 CC to give you a most solid utilizing experience. Not just this tractor accompanies an excellent strength anyway it moreover accompanies 3-cylinders to give you stunning power close by with awesome toughness.

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2 Name: stickman fighter : 2022-10-13 19:20 ID:dPVRQy2C [Del]

There's a lot of new stuff that can get you excited. I myself was surprised by what you brought

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