Getting Started with Microsoft 365 (2)

1 Name: marushi sujain : 2022-01-09 22:24 ID:OssrSJSG [Del]

List of people you want to add to Even if you’ve already added them to Office 365, if you’re updating your domain information, you need to enter their names here.How you’re going to notify your employees of their Office 365 user ID and password so they can sign in. Are you going to call them with the info? Or send it to their personal email address? They won’t have access to their Office 365 email, so you can’t use that.If you have a domain name for your business (such as and you plan on using Office 365 email, you’ll need to know where your domain is registered and have sign-on information.

2 Name: hellypatel7373 : 2022-01-09 22:29 ID:IerPAN2r [Del]

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