Gongura leaves (1)

1 Name: Valuefood : 2021-02-05 01:59 ID:dGsObR1E [Del]

Gongura leaves are medium to wide, large, flat, and smooth. 3 to 5 girdle, finger-shaped leaflets lobby the vivid inexperienced leaves deeper. Gongura leaves return from a thick shrub-like plant, sometimes at a pair of to three meters high.
This is a chic supply of iron, vitamins and folic acids, and necessary antioxidants for human nutrition.
It is referred to as Gongura in Telugu, in Mahratti ambadi, in Tamil pulichakeerai, in Assamese Tenga mora, in Hindi pitwaa, and in Oriya khata palanga, in Bengali mestapat. https://www.valuefood.info/2690/great-gongura-health-benefits/

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