TBT Meaning (1)

1 Name: Ranker Online : 2021-02-05 01:05 ID:4oCowA62 [Del]

TBT meaning is Throwback Thursday.
TBT is a trend in social media, which allows people to share their favorite memories. #TBT one of the most common social media hashtags.
On Thursdays, anyone will take part in this Throwback trend by sharing content on social networking sites such as Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook to remember the activities that had taken place in the past.
According to TIME, the first #TBT video on Instagram was a shot of Hot Wheels toy car in February 2011, which a guy named Bobby was uploaded.
Since that time, the hashtag has taken its own life and become one of the most famous social media hashtags. https://rankeronline.com/tbt-meaning/

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