Why does my hp printer keep going offline (3)

1 Name: Why does my hp printer keep going offline : 2020-05-14 06:45 ID:77k+uC84 [Del]

There can be multiple reasons due to which your printer goes offline while working. If you are thinking that why does my hp printer keep going offline then the main reason for this problem is Cables and wires are not properly connected to the correct ports. You can resolve it easily by removing all the pending jobs given to the printer or reinstalling your printer. Reinstalling the printer is easy and you can do it by switching off the printer from the power button and switching it on. If the problem still persists then try to remove the pending jobs and try again. It will surely make your printer status show online. https://www.hpprintersupportpro.com/blog/stop-my-hp-printer-from-going-offline/

2 Name: Assignment Help : 2020-05-14 07:16 ID:fG9GK9B+ [Del]

Great Post

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