demos (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2013-04-26 03:06 ID:3aAbn457 [Del]

Demotivational Posters (a.k.a Demotivators) are typically designed to discourage one’s moral strength and diminish one’s self-esteem. It usually consists of a picture, centered and bordered in black, with an all-cap title written in white, and in some cases, a tagline written in smaller font.

3 Name: توریستی و گردشگری : 2017-06-14 01:58 ID:wT/hsTuU [Del]

[url=]توریستر : توریست ها و گردشگران[/url]
[url=]دیزنی لند پاریس[/url][url=]جزیره پوکت تایلند[/url]

4 Name: توریستی و گردشگری : 2017-06-14 01:58 ID:wT/hsTuU [Del]

<a href="">کدهای اخلاقی برای تورگردانان</a><br />

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