Paheal downtime board (12)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-07 08:25 ID:UXkFEuPK [Del]

You should probably put some board guidelines in this file - include/rules.html.

2 Name: Paul R Wilson : 2009-03-07 08:35 ID:WF8xL+lp [Del]

OK, I knew that this was going to happen: the pics were being posted at such an enormous rate, even as I surfed the site, that I foretold a good time ago that it would someday implode and black-hole. Whether it can recover for real, or whether successor sites that specialize (guro and scat in their own sites for example.) will appear, so that all would grow at a managable rate, is still yet to be seen. Also the comments should be edited of anything useless and pointless, such as the outbursts of teen-agers who think with their hormones instead of their brains.

3 Name: Drizzt : 2009-03-07 09:05 ID:HygMFFR6 [Del]


4 Name: Jack_Bandicoot : 2009-03-07 09:16 ID:NNIyjo3C [Del]

the outbursts of teen-agers who think with their hormones instead of their brains.

Go tell those teens to fuck an american pie jkdsjksdjkdskjsd

5 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-07 09:28 ID:9D9cmznL [Del]

lol oldfag:

6 Name: neko-chi : 2009-03-07 09:38 ID:BEnqcwB2 [Del]

i need to have the rule34 back! i don't care about those teenagers they'd just be devirginized anyway why then do it now instead of the future!?!?!?!?! adskfja;lk dfjlk;asdjf;la LOL

7 Name: ffffffffffffffuuuuuuuu : 2009-03-07 13:25 ID:FzZVxmHn [Del]

Main issue is the sites slowness that makes it almost unusable fuck the namefags and oldfags this should be the priority.

8 Name: Jay : 2009-03-07 13:44 ID:Cfmg5r9V [Del]

When will the site be back?

9 Name: hi : 2009-03-07 13:47 ID:AnmznrVb [Del]

for fucks sake put the site back on i wanna cum

10 Post deleted by user.

11 Name: DiliciousHorsecok : 2009-03-07 14:04 ID:PNsS2DhH [Del]

Where did all the cancer come from? I thought only 4channers would visit the site but it seems like 12 year olds have come to jack off too.

12 Name: zobgoblin : 2009-03-07 14:11 ID:dV6y42iY [Del]

Well, considering that half of the 4-channers are 12 year olds nowadays, what did you expect?

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